The 3 Core Values of Reel You

Jay Alberts
2 min readJul 17, 2021


It Can All Be Found in JOY

At Reel You, we believe life is about finding joy in our journey. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that our company values can be found in JOY.

I want to share with you what we hold dear and why these values are important to us. JOY is central to how we work, live, and treat each other. These principles act as a compass when we’re in unknown territory.

[J]umping in

Assess the situation, then dive in with focus. Take the initiative with a can-do attitude. Be resourceful, independent, and persevere through every challenge to get things done.

[O]pen mind

Approach the world with curiosity and consideration for the ideas and perspectives of others. Listen, learn, and try new things. Be adaptable, empathetic, and challenge the status quo and your own biases.


No matter who “You” are (a Youser, a colleague), we see you as a human being with your own unique story. Approach one another with authenticity, compassion, and respect. Be kind, honest, and communicate clearly. Above all, be true to yourself and allow others to do the same.

Bringing You JOY

It’s important to me that Reel You lives up to these values at all times. I care deeply about our Reel Youser community and I believe Yousers should know what they can expect from us. I also believe Reel Yousers play a role in upholding these values with every interaction on the platform.

For my future colleagues, I hope these values resonate with you and give you a better sense of the Reel You culture. Joining us means you agree to bring the full “You” to work everyday. This most authentic version of you is the happiest, healthiest, most productive, and overall best version of you.

There’s something extra nice about our values spelling out JOY: it’s a great reminder that we should each be finding joy in our own personal and professional journeys. By continuing on this path together with JOY, we can build not just a great Reel Youser community and company, but also strong relationships with our family, friends, colleagues, and everyone else who crosses our paths.

Let’s remember these three values as we build something special, together.

